Manufacturer: Draeger Safety
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AirBoss® PSS100 is Draeger's latest high performance breathing apparatus, uniquely designed to shift the weight of the unit from the shoulders to the hips, thus reducing back strain and increasing stability. The unit is also designed to move with the wearer, both vertically and horizontally. This additional flexibility allows the wearer to work more effectively for longer periods of time, with less fatigue. The revolutionary adjustable 3-position backplate gives the wearer a means to achieve the perfect fit for any torso length.
Key Features
- PSS100’s fully adjustable 3-position ergonomic backplate and harness suspension system
- Lightweight, robust carbon composite back plate on both models
- Fail-safe first stage reducer
- LDV Plus delivers >550 l/m
- Easy to use doffing switch on LDV
- Panorama Nova Mask as standard
- Hardened, waterproof electronics to meet NFPA 2007 edition standards
- Spectacle kits available for Panorama Nova Mask
- Multi-Link auxiliary airline system available in 20" or 40" lengths
- Optional communication system available
- Mechanical gauge